Game Guide

Suffering Soul Cave

In order to enter the Suffering Soul Cave, you must have a Ladian's Grace, and be at least level 120. You are required to also be in a party.

Suffering Soul Cave

All instances can only be opened on channel 2. Ensure you’re on channel 2 before speaking to Thock You can find Thock in wasteland at the co-ordinates: 23430:35632 (Pictured Below).

Suffering Soul Cave


The Suffering Soul Cave can host a party size of up to 15 people, make sure you are the leader of the party, and create the instance once you have a full party. This Instance follows the instance system rules and allows up to 10 difficulties. Each subsequent difficulty giving boosted rewards.

Instance Window


Be aware, this debuff below will prevent you from entering the Suffering Soul Cave for 30 minutes. Or the duration shown on the icon while active.

Instance Debuff Icon


There are 7 Boss monsters in the Suffering Soul Cave and 6 rooms. If you kill all 6 rooms before 10 minutes goes by, you will obtain an instance coin.

Room Number Boss Name Picture
1 Shureggi Shureggi
2 Iryn Iryn
3 Zombie Lord Zombie Lord
4 Boogi (Unlocks after you kill Zombie Lord) Boogi
5 Gur & Eaan Gur and Eaan
6 Carbalich Carbalich


Instance Rewards

Different types of Instance coins are rewarded based on instance difficulty and clear requirements, there are also chances to obtain certain extra items, these can be found on the Instances page.

  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Donatello - BugExploiterz 556
2 lllllIIIII - HotSix 425
3 Smileyface - BugExploiterz 414
4 Mango_Loco - BugExploiterz 409
5 Super_O00O00 - Finish 337
6 lIlIIllIll - HotSix 322
7 Super_O0000O - Finish 321
8 Monarch - BugExploiterz 286
9 Liyu - BugExploiterz 280
10 Fent - BugExploiterz 278
11 lllIIIllII - HotSix 255
12 Ratata - Finish 246
13 DexteR_MorgaN - HotSix 227
14 Super_0O0O0O - Finish 209
15 DOGWATER - BugExploiterz 179
16 IIIIIIlIII - HotSix 168
17 Tanberg - BugExploiterz 167
18 Anarchy - Disaster 165
19 Super_00O00O - Finish 156
20 LynchMan - BugExploiterz 133
21 DarKnightY - Finish 124
22 Super_000000 - Finish 114
23 Sakura - Finish 109
24 Bloodseeker - HotSix 100
25 Kezrm - tribe008 96
26 Super_OO0O0 - Finish 96
27 NomaD - BugExploiterz 95
28 SJOBA - BugExploiterz 91
29 SUSPECT - 86
30 PixelOfFire - Solar_Dragons 83
31 NO_OO - HotSix 79
32 NlGHTMARE - HotSix 79
33 lllllllllI - HotSix 77
34 Muzan - BugExploiterz 76
35 ViIlain - NoFame 66
36 ll_Trouble_ll - Disaster 65
37 Stevi - HotSix 60
38 Technology - Disaster 57
39 KaLiNa - HotSix 50
40 R_ - This_is_Medic 47
41 Super_00O0O0 - Finish 47
42 Springfield - BugExploiterz 44
43 IlIlIlIlIl - HotSix 43
44 Rayleigh - Deepseek 37
45 NO_00 - HotSix 34
46 Super_000OOO - Finish 33
47 SiFaRy - Disaster 33
48 Rusty - BugExploiterz 32
49 Super_O000O - Finish 31
50 GRINCH - Disaster 30

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 BugExploiterz 3176
2 HotSix 2050
3 Finish 1928
4 Disaster 449
5 Solar_Dragons 240
6 Deepseek 205
7 tribe008 141
8 tribe007 133
9 nezha2 123
10 10sClub 114
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8515
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4649
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8515
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4649
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727