Instances are areas with strong monsters that offer up valuable rewards to players and parties who defeat them. Instances are totally separate from all other content in the game, this means only you and your party will be able to enter your specific instance. There are currently: 4 instances in the game
To create or join an instance, you must first pay 1 Ladian's Grace, if your nation wins the Nation War there is no cost. Ladian's Grace can be found by killing various bosses in the game, or it can be purchased from the Subscription Shop NPC.
You can create/join an instance starting at level 120, and you can complete the instance with any players that are also level 120+. The monsters within the instance use different difficulties depending on the level of the player hitting them. This means you can be level 120, but also be in an instance with a max level player and you both will receive rewards according to the correct level bracket. You will receive an instance coin if you complete an instance within bonus time range of that instance. Instance coins can be redeemed for special items from the instance store (Kadara) in Ladianes Village.
Bracket | Level Requirement | Bonus Time Rewards |
1 | 120-159 | 1 Instance Coin - Level 1 |
2 | 160-200 | 1 Instance Coin - Level 2 |
3 | 201-239 | 1 Instance Coin - Level 3 |
4 | 240-275 | 1 Instance Coin - Level 4 |
5 | 276-299 | 1 Instance Coin - Level 5 |
6 | 300+ | 1 Instance Coin - Level 6 |
There is also a "Random" instance option. Players can start a random instance by speaking to Tormac (in Ladianes City or Veros City). Random Instances provide an extra 10% experience from all monsters and have a 50% higher drop rate than non-random instances, these rates are shown in the instance interface under Experience Boost & Drop Boost. You can still pick an instance by using the actual/original instance entrance. Completing a random instance also causes your instance cooldown debuff to be removed.
In addition to automatically adjusting the difficulty monsters based on each party members level, the party leader can also adjust another difficulty setting before creating the instance. Creating and defeating monsters in higher difficulties will reward players with better equipment. Increasing the difficulty also increases the amount of Instance Coins you will receive if you complete the instance before the bonus duration has expired.
This is a brief breakdown of the possible drops for each instance bracket and difficulty.
Bracket | Difficulties | Equipment Drops | Other Drops |
1 | 1-2 |
1 | 3-4 |
1 | 5-6 |
1 | 7-8 |
1 | 9 |
1 | 10 |
2 | 1-2 |
2 | 3-4 |
2 | 5-6 |
2 | 7-8 |
2 | 9 |
2 | 10 |
3 | 1-2 |
3 | 3-4 |
3 | 5-6 |
3 | 7-8 |
3 | 9 |
3 | 10 |
4 | 1-2 |
4 | 3-4 |
4 | 5-6 |
4 | 7-8 |
4 | 9 |
4 | 10 |
5 | 1-2 |
5 | 3-4 |
5 | 5-6 |
5 | 7-8 |
5 | 9 |
5 | 10 |
6 | 1-2 |
6 | 3-4 |
6 | 5-6 |
6 | 7-8 |
6 | 9 |
6 | 10 |
Rank | Name | PK Points |
1 | Donatello - BugExploiterz | 556 |
2 | lllllIIIII - HotSix | 425 |
3 | Smileyface - BugExploiterz | 414 |
4 | Mango_Loco - BugExploiterz | 409 |
5 | Super_O00O00 - Finish | 337 |
6 | lIlIIllIll - HotSix | 322 |
7 | Super_O0000O - Finish | 321 |
8 | Monarch - BugExploiterz | 286 |
9 | Liyu - BugExploiterz | 280 |
10 | Fent - BugExploiterz | 278 |
11 | lllIIIllII - HotSix | 255 |
12 | Ratata - Finish | 246 |
13 | DexteR_MorgaN - HotSix | 227 |
14 | Super_0O0O0O - Finish | 209 |
15 | DOGWATER - BugExploiterz | 177 |
16 | IIIIIIlIII - HotSix | 168 |
17 | Tanberg - BugExploiterz | 167 |
18 | Anarchy - Disaster | 165 |
19 | Super_00O00O - Finish | 156 |
20 | LynchMan - BugExploiterz | 133 |
21 | DarKnightY - Finish | 124 |
22 | Super_000000 - Finish | 114 |
23 | Sakura - Finish | 109 |
24 | Bloodseeker - HotSix | 100 |
25 | Kezrm - tribe008 | 96 |
26 | Super_OO0O0 - Finish | 96 |
27 | NomaD - BugExploiterz | 95 |
28 | SJOBA - BugExploiterz | 91 |
29 | SUSPECT - | 86 |
30 | PixelOfFire - Solar_Dragons | 83 |
31 | NO_OO - HotSix | 79 |
32 | NlGHTMARE - HotSix | 79 |
33 | lllllllllI - HotSix | 77 |
34 | Muzan - BugExploiterz | 76 |
35 | ViIlain - NoFame | 66 |
36 | ll_Trouble_ll - Disaster | 65 |
37 | Stevi - HotSix | 59 |
38 | Technology - Disaster | 57 |
39 | KaLiNa - HotSix | 50 |
40 | R_ - This_is_Medic | 47 |
41 | Super_00O0O0 - Finish | 47 |
42 | Springfield - BugExploiterz | 44 |
43 | IlIlIlIlIl - HotSix | 43 |
44 | Rayleigh - Deepseek | 37 |
45 | NO_00 - HotSix | 34 |
46 | Super_000OOO - Finish | 33 |
47 | SiFaRy - Disaster | 33 |
48 | Rusty - BugExploiterz | 32 |
49 | Super_O000O - Finish | 31 |
50 | GRINCH - Disaster | 30 |
1 | empress_ - | 5173 |
2 | CoolWind - Zero | 4923 |
3 | NewSky - 2 | 4592 |
4 | Impact - Zero | 4303 |
5 | Shina - Dead_END | 4250 |
6 | KimiMaro - 100fanta99success | 3953 |
7 | xAryax - Zero | 3850 |
8 | Djaul - Zero | 3755 |
9 | Grenen - Death | 3665 |
10 | P1uto - Death | 3535 |
11 | R2D2_ - | 3449 |
12 | Rio - Sunguard | 3387 |
13 | Angeles - Sunguard | 3383 |
14 | Elapse - TheCrazyWitch | 3290 |
15 | Tove - Renegade | 2935 |
16 | Pure - | 2887 |
17 | Pluto - Death_ | 2480 |
18 | Aryax - Death | 2446 |
19 | OLOY - Zero | 2431 |
20 | SirMTV - Death | 2401 |
21 | onyx - _shard_ | 2225 |
22 | Iskall - Zero | 2195 |
23 | Chunbae_ONG - TheCrazyWitch | 2169 |
24 | RedMage_ - Sunguard | 2152 |
25 | Deadly - Renegade | 2082 |
26 | SharpScythe - Kingsman | 2006 |
27 | _Marco_ - | 1893 |
28 | Deleted - Flex | 1817 |
29 | ExpLosioN - | 1776 |
30 | Elin - | 1578 |
31 | Alatar - Sunguard | 1485 |
32 | TIK - ReNaiSsanCe | 1466 |
33 | Xiaoqq - Death | 1418 |
34 | Spade_A - CCTV | 1346 |
35 | TeRmiNaTeR - MariGold | 1343 |
36 | xiaoTY - Death | 1341 |
37 | mama_ - MariGold | 1321 |
38 | Zafina - | 1306 |
39 | 64CM - ReNaiSsanCe | 1305 |
40 | Keal - | 1302 |
41 | DelayNoMore - | 1247 |
42 | iFallenKing - TheCrazyWitch | 1223 |
43 | DeadlyFistYou - Sunguard | 1204 |
45 | Brady - _shard_ | 1135 |
46 | JEWISH_DOCTOR - Lifeline | 1106 |
47 | PONKE_ - | 1102 |
48 | killed - | 1084 |
49 | Vaeril - Renegade | 1032 |
50 | Medic_ - Sunguard | 1011 |
1 | empress_ - | 5173 |
2 | CoolWind - Zero | 4923 |
3 | NewSky - 2 | 4592 |
4 | Impact - Zero | 4303 |
5 | Shina - Dead_END | 4250 |
6 | KimiMaro - 100fanta99success | 3953 |
7 | xAryax - Zero | 3850 |
8 | Djaul - Zero | 3755 |
9 | Grenen - Death | 3665 |
10 | P1uto - Death | 3535 |
11 | R2D2_ - | 3449 |
12 | Rio - Sunguard | 3387 |
13 | Angeles - Sunguard | 3383 |
14 | Elapse - TheCrazyWitch | 3290 |
15 | Tove - Renegade | 2935 |
16 | Pure - | 2887 |
17 | Pluto - Death_ | 2480 |
18 | Aryax - Death | 2446 |
19 | OLOY - Zero | 2431 |
20 | SirMTV - Death | 2401 |
21 | onyx - _shard_ | 2225 |
22 | Iskall - Zero | 2195 |
23 | Chunbae_ONG - TheCrazyWitch | 2169 |
24 | RedMage_ - Sunguard | 2152 |
25 | Deadly - Renegade | 2082 |
26 | SharpScythe - Kingsman | 2006 |
27 | _Marco_ - | 1893 |
28 | Deleted - Flex | 1817 |
29 | ExpLosioN - | 1776 |
30 | Elin - | 1578 |
31 | Alatar - Sunguard | 1485 |
32 | TIK - ReNaiSsanCe | 1466 |
33 | Xiaoqq - Death | 1418 |
34 | Spade_A - CCTV | 1346 |
35 | TeRmiNaTeR - MariGold | 1343 |
36 | xiaoTY - Death | 1341 |
37 | mama_ - MariGold | 1321 |
38 | Zafina - | 1306 |
39 | 64CM - ReNaiSsanCe | 1305 |
40 | Keal - | 1302 |
41 | DelayNoMore - | 1247 |
42 | iFallenKing - TheCrazyWitch | 1223 |
43 | DeadlyFistYou - Sunguard | 1204 |
45 | Brady - _shard_ | 1135 |
46 | JEWISH_DOCTOR - Lifeline | 1106 |
47 | PONKE_ - | 1102 |
48 | killed - | 1084 |
49 | Vaeril - Renegade | 1032 |
50 | Medic_ - Sunguard | 1011 |
Rank | Name | PK Points |
1 | S_33 - S_34 | 11 |
2 | S32 - S_34 | 10 |
3 | S_Blue - S_34 | 10 |
5 | S34 - S_34 | 10 |
6 | S31 - S_34 | 10 |
7 | Viviana - Lily_Pads | 10 |
8 | Angint - | 10 |
9 | Liliana - Lily_Pads | 10 |
10 | JeNa0 - | 10 |
11 | S_21 - S_34 | 10 |
12 | S_Tang - S_34 | 10 |
15 | Ha_c - | 10 |
16 | Cindyrella - Lily_Pads | 10 |
17 | Riada - | 10 |
18 | Mochi - Lily_Pads | 10 |
20 | RGU - | 10 |
21 | Donny - | 10 |
22 | RZ - | 10 |
23 | ohhsnap - | 10 |
24 | S30 - take_over | 9 |
25 | S_310 - | 0 |
26 | HAYABUSA - | 0 |
27 | Zomb - | 0 |
28 | red9 - | 0 |
29 | ALIS - | 0 |
30 | NewSeason1 - | 0 |
31 | SS_0 - | 0 |
32 | S_340 - | 0 |
33 | NPC - | 0 |
34 | SEDONA - | 0 |
35 | oKuma - | 0 |
36 | NagaShadow - | 0 |
37 | dcccccc - | 0 |
38 | YingTong - | 0 |
39 | Noeul0 - | 0 |
40 | _OMEGA_ - | 0 |
41 | HOTSTORM - | 0 |
42 | GrimNomre - | 0 |
43 | WTS_WARM - | 0 |
44 | MDjBlueFear - | 0 |
45 | Season1st - | 0 |
46 | Maru11 - | 0 |
47 | 874846564984 - | 0 |
48 | Dudits - | 0 |
49 | S_330 - S_34 | 0 |
50 | dwdw - | 0 |
1 | 1_DOLLAR - | 5029 |
2 | SwordsRedMage - Steam_Train | 4756 |
3 | SchroDingeR - take_over | 4378 |
4 | Astera - Steam_Train | 3508 |
5 | inFluence - Ketsu_wo_taberu | 2839 |
6 | Solstice - | 2805 |
7 | _PitBull_ - Elevate | 2743 |
8 | Athanasia - take_over | 2662 |
9 | sir_lotus - | 2579 |
10 | 2JZ - Comanche | 2521 |
11 | _buetti_ - Elevate | 2476 |
12 | Crypton - UNAVERAGE | 2454 |
13 | Kazpyr - | 2373 |
14 | Clockwork - Steam_Train | 2337 |
15 | MrSwed - | 2289 |
16 | LOTTE - take_over | 2257 |
17 | Enemy_Lord - | 2240 |
18 | STATlC_RM - EpidemiC | 2225 |
19 | Masta - | 2120 |
20 | Topcat - | 2081 |
21 | Stranger_1 - | 1921 |
22 | ButterFinger - Drip | 1899 |
23 | BEST - Flex | 1892 |
24 | Wildcat_0 - 0riginal | 1834 |
25 | L - Flex | 1810 |
26 | StuNxBoW - _outlawz_ | 1802 |
27 | BanTii - | 1800 |
28 | PLAYBOY - | 1790 |
29 | Irene - | 1681 |
30 | Garfield - | 1613 |
31 | Hilagio - Returned | 1553 |
32 | Anonymous - GapedChickenBooty | 1516 |
33 | Margiela - | 1509 |
34 | Buster - Steam_Train | 1486 |
35 | GhostFirE - | 1465 |
36 | Thieuw - I_ShuyT_MySeLF | 1455 |
37 | E_N_E_M_Y - | 1430 |
38 | NoeKing - Arctic | 1424 |
39 | one_on_one - Arctic | 1400 |
40 | Ar_0 - | 1327 |
41 | MrFist - GapedChickenBooty | 1324 |
42 | Adobe - 1573 | 1312 |
43 | MudButt - | 1271 |
44 | Dingleberry - UNAVERAGE | 1253 |
45 | stubinator - | 1212 |
46 | tomazius - eXplosion | 1182 |
47 | Even_Heaven - | 1133 |
48 | Deleted_0 - Elevate | 1110 |
49 | M_A_S_T_A - | 1110 |
50 | sN1per_God - Assault | 1082 |
1 | 1_DOLLAR - | 5029 |
2 | SwordsRedMage - Steam_Train | 4756 |
3 | SchroDingeR - take_over | 4378 |
4 | Astera - Steam_Train | 3508 |
5 | inFluence - Ketsu_wo_taberu | 2839 |
6 | Solstice - | 2805 |
7 | _PitBull_ - Elevate | 2743 |
8 | Athanasia - take_over | 2662 |
9 | sir_lotus - | 2579 |
10 | 2JZ - Comanche | 2521 |
11 | _buetti_ - Elevate | 2476 |
12 | Crypton - UNAVERAGE | 2454 |
13 | Kazpyr - | 2373 |
14 | Clockwork - Steam_Train | 2337 |
15 | MrSwed - | 2289 |
16 | LOTTE - take_over | 2257 |
17 | Enemy_Lord - | 2240 |
18 | STATlC_RM - EpidemiC | 2225 |
19 | Masta - | 2120 |
20 | Topcat - | 2081 |
21 | Stranger_1 - | 1921 |
22 | ButterFinger - Drip | 1899 |
23 | BEST - Flex | 1892 |
24 | Wildcat_0 - 0riginal | 1834 |
25 | L - Flex | 1810 |
26 | StuNxBoW - _outlawz_ | 1802 |
27 | BanTii - | 1800 |
28 | PLAYBOY - | 1790 |
29 | Irene - | 1681 |
30 | Garfield - | 1613 |
31 | Hilagio - Returned | 1553 |
32 | Anonymous - GapedChickenBooty | 1516 |
33 | Margiela - | 1509 |
34 | Buster - Steam_Train | 1486 |
35 | GhostFirE - | 1465 |
36 | Thieuw - I_ShuyT_MySeLF | 1455 |
37 | E_N_E_M_Y - | 1430 |
38 | NoeKing - Arctic | 1424 |
39 | one_on_one - Arctic | 1400 |
40 | Ar_0 - | 1327 |
41 | MrFist - GapedChickenBooty | 1324 |
42 | Adobe - 1573 | 1312 |
43 | MudButt - | 1271 |
44 | Dingleberry - UNAVERAGE | 1253 |
45 | stubinator - | 1212 |
46 | tomazius - eXplosion | 1182 |
47 | Even_Heaven - | 1133 |
48 | Deleted_0 - Elevate | 1110 |
49 | M_A_S_T_A - | 1110 |
50 | sN1per_God - Assault | 1082 |
Rank | Name | PK Points |
1 | BugExploiterz | 3174 |
2 | HotSix | 2071 |
3 | Finish | 1928 |
4 | Disaster | 449 |
5 | Solar_Dragons | 242 |
6 | Deepseek | 206 |
7 | tribe008 | 141 |
8 | tribe007 | 133 |
9 | nezha2 | 123 |
10 | 10sClub | 114 |
1 | Zero | 22558 |
2 | Death | 18629 |
3 | Sunguard | 16404 |
4 | Renegade | 8515 |
5 | TheCrazyWitch | 6682 |
6 | Dead_END | 4738 |
7 | ReNaiSsanCe | 4649 |
8 | 2 | 4592 |
9 | 100fanta99success | 3953 |
10 | _shard_ | 3727 |
1 | Zero | 22558 |
2 | Death | 18629 |
3 | Sunguard | 16404 |
4 | Renegade | 8515 |
5 | TheCrazyWitch | 6682 |
6 | Dead_END | 4738 |
7 | ReNaiSsanCe | 4649 |
8 | 2 | 4592 |
9 | 100fanta99success | 3953 |
10 | _shard_ | 3727 |
Rank | Name | PK Points |
1 | S_34 | 71 |
2 | Lily_Pads | 40 |
3 | LONELY_WORLD | 20 |
4 | HIIH | 20 |
5 | take_over | 9 |
1 | Steam_Train | 13370 |
2 | take_over | 12177 |
3 | Elevate | 10150 |
4 | Flex | 6266 |
5 | UNAVERAGE | 6111 |
6 | Ketsu_wo_taberu | 4960 |
7 | Comanche | 4287 |
8 | Arctic | 4066 |
9 | GapedChickenBooty | 3166 |
10 | EpidemiC | 3155 |
1 | Steam_Train | 13370 |
2 | take_over | 12186 |
3 | Elevate | 10150 |
4 | Flex | 6266 |
5 | UNAVERAGE | 6111 |
6 | Ketsu_wo_taberu | 4960 |
7 | Comanche | 4287 |
8 | Arctic | 4066 |
9 | GapedChickenBooty | 3166 |
10 | EpidemiC | 3155 |