
Test Server Update #2

Patch Notes

  • Alseide Buffed even more (this is a big buff, testing needs to be done carefully now)
  • +9 bow buff reverted
  • G3 Kat and G3 Crow Nerfed, Solid Bow Buffed
  • Might Nerfed
  • SkillBook NPC added
  • More monster regen rates added
  • G10 human drops added to F2 of Rampao Dungeon
  • +8 and +9 G11 Upgrade rates lowered
  • People wearing Ultima and Fabula gowns will hit more often with physical attacks
  • overall drop rates of g11 and g10s tweaked 1 or 2 %
  • Level 160-164 Vehel ghosts no longer give exp to people under level 160.
  • Cobolt assassins and Vehel Ghosts have been given magical defenses. and exp nerfs
  • Leviathan Stick has been given an increase in attack speed.
  • G11 Jewelry Drop rates have been reduced
  • V1 Egg hp increased and exp increased
  • FL Monster Regen rate increased
  • Turtoid Regen Rate Increased.
  • Jewelry upgrade rates increased slightly
  • V3 Boss Regen rate increased even more to prevent solo killing.
  • Zodiac and Leviathan Sticks stats have changed to 1000 STR and 1000 Yellow/White
  • G11 upgrade rates have been modified.

  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Donatello - BugExploiterz 586
2 lllllIIIII - HotSix 470
3 Smileyface - BugExploiterz 458
4 Zafinaa - BugExploiterz 449
5 Monarch - BugExploiterz 349
6 Super_O00O00 - Finish 337
7 lIlIIllIll - HotSix 325
8 Super_O0000O - Finish 321
9 Fent - BugExploiterz 311
10 lllIIIllII - HotSix 293
11 Liyu - BugExploiterz 280
12 Ratata - Finish 263
13 Super_0O0O0O - Finish 261
14 DexteR_MorgaN - HotSix 246
15 DOGWATER - BugExploiterz 223
16 Tanberg - BugExploiterz 194
17 Super_00O00O - Finish 181
18 IIIIIIlIII - HotSix 180
19 Anarchy - Disaster 172
20 DarKnightY - Finish 156
21 Sakura - Finish 132
22 LynchMan - BugExploiterz 128
23 SJOBA - BugExploiterz 124
24 Super_000000 - Finish 124
25 Bloodseeker - HotSix 117
26 NomaD - BugExploiterz 105
27 Super_OO0O0 - Finish 99
28 NlGHTMARE - HotSix 97
29 Kezrm - tribe008 96
30 AmiTfo - Finish 94
31 PixelOfFire - Solar_Dragons 89
32 SkySeeker - Finish 80
33 lllllllllI - HotSix 77
34 Muzan - BugExploiterz 77
35 Stevi - HotSix 71
36 ViIlain - NoFame 70
37 NO_OO - HotSix 66
38 ll_Trouble_ll - Disaster 65
39 Technology - Disaster 59
40 SUSPECT - Deepseek 57
41 KaLiNa - HotSix 48
42 Rusty - BugExploiterz 47
43 R_ - This_is_Medic 47
44 IlIlIlIlIl - HotSix 43
45 Obscura - BugExploiterz 43
46 Rayleigh - Deepseek 42
47 Springfield - BugExploiterz 38
48 Super_O000O - Finish 38
49 James_B0nd - Disaster 38
50 SiFaRy - Disaster 34

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 BugExploiterz 3511
2 Finish 2200
3 HotSix 2189
4 Disaster 471
5 Deepseek 281
6 Solar_Dragons 246
7 Needed_to_Farm 158
8 tribe008 141
9 tribe007 123
10 ChanGe 116
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8516
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4656
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8516
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4656
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727