
Season 3 Release Date

We're happy to announce that Season 3 will begin on Friday, February 28th, 2025. We will be restarting the servers at 9 AM ET, and we expect them to be offline for about 1-2 hours while we update everything for Season 3. If everything goes as planned, the servers and Season 3 will be online sometime around 10AM-11AM ET.

We will be making an announcement about halfway through February with some of the updates that will be released during Season 3. We are intentionally omitting various changes and updates in this announcement because of how they might affect the current game (as we do every season). On February 27th (the day before Season 3 starts), we will provide everyone with the omitted patch notes.


You can compare your own time using the following ET online clock:

  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Donatello - BugExploiterz 574
2 lllllIIIII - HotSix 470
3 Smileyface - BugExploiterz 458
4 Zafinaa - BugExploiterz 444
5 Monarch - BugExploiterz 340
6 Super_O00O00 - Finish 337
7 lIlIIllIll - HotSix 325
8 Super_O0000O - Finish 321
9 Fent - BugExploiterz 305
10 lllIIIllII - HotSix 283
11 Liyu - BugExploiterz 280
12 Ratata - Finish 260
13 Super_0O0O0O - Finish 245
14 DexteR_MorgaN - HotSix 236
15 DOGWATER - BugExploiterz 218
16 Tanberg - BugExploiterz 194
17 IIIIIIlIII - HotSix 181
18 Super_00O00O - Finish 178
19 Anarchy - Disaster 172
20 DarKnightY - Finish 132
21 LynchMan - BugExploiterz 130
22 Sakura - Finish 128
23 SJOBA - BugExploiterz 123
24 Super_000000 - Finish 123
25 Bloodseeker - HotSix 106
26 NomaD - BugExploiterz 102
27 Super_OO0O0 - Finish 99
28 NlGHTMARE - HotSix 97
29 Kezrm - tribe008 96
30 Super_00O0O0 - Finish 93
31 PixelOfFire - Solar_Dragons 89
32 Muzan - BugExploiterz 81
33 lllllllllI - HotSix 76
34 Super_000OOO - Finish 74
35 Stevi - HotSix 71
36 ViIlain - NoFame 70
37 NO_OO - HotSix 67
38 ll_Trouble_ll - Disaster 65
39 SUSPECT - Deepseek 62
40 Technology - Disaster 59
41 KaLiNa - HotSix 48
42 Rusty - BugExploiterz 47
43 R_ - This_is_Medic 47
44 IlIlIlIlIl - HotSix 43
45 Rayleigh - Deepseek 42
46 Springfield - BugExploiterz 39
47 James_B0nd - Disaster 38
48 Obscura - BugExploiterz 37
49 Super_O000O - Finish 36
50 SiFaRy - Disaster 34

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 BugExploiterz 3482
2 HotSix 2154
3 Finish 2143
4 Disaster 470
5 Deepseek 288
6 Solar_Dragons 252
7 Needed_to_Farm 152
8 tribe008 141
9 tribe007 120
10 coffee 115
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8516
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4657
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8516
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4657
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727