
June 20 Update

Today we are restarting the servers to apply the next phase of the Island/Turf rework, both servers will be offline for about 30-40 mins while we apply the changes detailed in today's patch notes. Please note that there are additional changes to the islands/turfs to come, this is just the latest installment.


Status Update: Servers are now back online.


General Changes

  • Fixed the localization for the Quiver Enhancer NPC, it previously said it upgraded Grade 1 Quivers (should have been saying Grade 3 Quivers).
  • The Laziel Tower Mage now respawns every 15 mins, previously 30 mins.
  • The Laziel Tower Mage now scales in difficulty similar to the Yeti on the bracket islands.
    • The differences are that the starting scale is from levels 1-90, the final scaling is from levels 201+, and they do NOT regen full health if you or they are too far from their spawn location.
  • NPC Stores that use non-Leni currencies can now take payments out of your Collectable Resources (if it has that currency in it).


Bracket Island Changes

  • Bracket 1 (Level 40-90), Bracket 2 (Level 41-120), and Bracket 3 (Level 121 - 160) has had the absolute damage of monsters reduced by an additional 15% of the initial release values (a total of 40% with the last update).
  • Brackets 4+ (Level 161+) has had the absolute damage of monsters reduced by an additional 10% of the initial release values (a total of 35% with the last update).
  • Bracket 1-5 Ranged monsters now have 5% less AP, and 5% less absolute damage than their physical counterparts.
  • Yetis now respawn every 15 mins, previously 30 mins.
  • The roaming radius of monsters has been reduced by a lot, so that monsters should not be roaming near the edges of their instant heal radius.
  • Turf Tokens (all grades) are now considered to be a Collectable Resource. This means:
    • You can double click them to add them to your Collectable Resources Interface.
    • If you have the "Notify of Material Inventory Drops" setting unchecked, you won't receive notifications when you find them.
  • When you pull a monster too far from its spawn location and it instantly heals, you are now notified of what happened.


Pet Island & Catastropha Island Changes

  • Monsters now use the new monster scaling system to scale a monster's difficulty, level, and drops.
  • Monsters have been made to be non-agro, but they still fight back if you attack them.
  • Monsters difficulties have been drastically increased so that you should only be able kill 1-5 monsters at a time depending on your level/equipment.
  • Monsters have been configured to take roughly 10-25 seconds to kill depending on your overall equipment and class.
  • Monsters will now return home and instantly have their health fully returned if a monster is pulled too far away from its spawn location.
    • This is to ensure that non-ranged monsters are not pulled in large quantities.
    • This also solves the problem of having monsters chasing you during PvP.
  • Monsters no longer drop any gems, instead they drop Grade 3 Turf Tokens.
  • Turf Tokens have a maximum stack size of 1000, cannot be traded to other players, and are used at Turf Exchange NPCs to purchase gems (1 in Crystal Room, 1 near the Veros Nation War Crystals, and 1 near the zipping NPC in Ladianes). When purchased, the gem CAN be traded and you can pick the quantity you buy each time.
    • Clonium Gem Cost: 4 Grade 3 Turf Tokens
    • Clonium Choice Gem Cost: 6 Grade 3 Turf Tokens
    • Grade 1 Turf Tokens Cost: 1 Grade 3 Turf Token
    • Grade 2 Turf Tokens Cost: 1 Grade 3 Turf Token (but this has been disabled until we release Grade 2 tokens for Nado/GC)


Changes Specific to Pet Island

  • Zombie Trees have been added to the island.
  • Monsters spawn locations have changed so that they spawn in groups of 5 (1 Ghostly Drake, 1 Ghostly Banderscon, 1 Ghostly MiniLycan, 1 Ghostly Coromon, and 1 Zombie Tree).
  • The island now has a total of 145 monsters (29 groups of 5), previously it had 88 monsters.
  • Monsters now have a 70% chance to drop 2-3 Grade 3 Turf Tokens and/or a 15% chance to drop 1-3 Clonium Liquid.


Changes Specific to Catastropha Island

  • Monsters spawn locations have changed so that they spawn in groups of 5. Groups spawn in either of the following formats:
    • 1 Catastrophic Lizard, 1 Catastrophic Lycos, 1 Catastrophic Nor Crab, 1 Catastrophic Megalopa, and 1 Catastrophic Zombie Tree
    • 1 Catastrophic Aracne, 1 Catastrophic Shuregi, 1 Catastrophic Viper, 1 Catastrophic Megalopa, and 1 Catastrophic Zombie Tree
  • The island now has a total of 200 monsters (40 groups of 5), previously it had 142 monsters.
  • Monsters now have a 70% chance to drop 3-4 Grade 3 Turf Tokens and/or a 15% chance to drop 1-5 Clonium Liquid.


Additional Patch Notes - June 20

General Changes

  • Catastropha Cavern Bosses now ALWAYS drops 1-2 Sephiroth Jewels, and have a chance to drop an additional 1-2 (a total of 4 if they all drop).
  • We removed the Instance EXP Orb Drops from the Catastropha Cavern Bosses (these should have only been dropping in Instances).


Bracket Island Changes

  • The absolute damage of monsters on the Bracket 4 Island (Level 161-200) and Bracket 5 Island (Level 201-275) has been reduced by another 5%.


Pet Island Changes

  • The health of all monsters has been reduced by 25% (including guardian).
  • The absolute damage of monsters has been reduced by 5%.
  • The drop rate of Clonium Liquid is now 10%, and drops in quantities of 1-3 (instead of 15% in quantities of 1-3).


Catastropha Island Changes

  • The health of all monsters (excluding the Guardian/Eggs) has been reduced by 25%.
  • The health of the Island Guardian & Eggs has been reduced by 50%.
  • The absolute damage of monsters has been reduced by 5%.


Additional Patch Notes - June 21

  • The Ice Princess and Laziel Tower Mage now have the Boss tag.
  • The Ice Princess at Laziel Tower now scales like the Laziel Tower Mage and has a 100% chance to drop a Laziel Tower Key.
  • The other monsters in Laziel Tower (not the bosses) are now scaled to be 30% weaker than the bosses (30% reduced attack power, absolute damage, and physical/magic defense).
  • The other monsters in Laziel Tower (not the bosses) now have a 5% chance to drop Laziel Tower Keys.
  • All monsters at Laziel Tower (including the bosses) now have a respawn time of 10 minutes.
  • The Safeguards outside of Laziel Tower have been adjusted so they angle properly and their localization has been updated.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Catastropha Cavern bosses to only drop 2-4 level 12 jewelry (meant to be 2-6).
    • This issue was caused due to a bug when we made all monsters able to use the monster scaling system (on May 25).
    • We'll be making a script to detect where else this issue may have happened. It only happened where monsters had the ability to drop the same item multiple times.
    • Until then, if you notice other monsters that are "missing" some drops, let us know.
  • The health of all monsters on Catastropha Island (excluding the Guardian/Eggs) has been reduced by an additional 5% of their original health (for a total of 30% since it was originally released). This leaves them at having about 10K more health than Pet Island monsters.
  • Xhoan (Ladianes Turf Exchange NPC) has been moved closer to the Zipped Gem Merchant.

  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 SirMTV - Death 1768
2 Zafina - Sunguard 1307
3 CrixUs - Sunguard 899
4 Super - Sandstrom 807
5 DeadlyFistYou - Sunguard 792
6 xy - Renegade 775
7 Solstice - Sunguard 727
8 Hotwater1 - Death 617
9 Sasha - 537
10 ToBe_No1 - 2AndHalf 408
11 00OO - Death 393
12 Thaldrin - Sunguard 351
13 0OO0 - Death 307
14 Enabe - 2AndHalf 303
15 A_ - Death_ 300
16 Dyna - Limitless 265
17 Hawaii - 259
18 KirimaX - 221
19 N0_0 - Dead_END 146
20 thx9staff - Sandstrom 143
21 EIin - Death 140
22 Play - Zero 118
23 xtrakt - Sunguard 113
24 M4SS4CR3 - Sunguard 101
25 Vowl - Sandstrom 95
26 Cr0uchinGTIqeR - Blood_ 73
27 0OOO - Death 73
28 sooyaaa - Zero 72
29 Dis_ - 68
30 Villain - NotFamous 59
31 GN - Booms 54
32 Balanced - Sandstrom 54
33 ReBang - 51
34 Theoryy - Classified 47
35 Morinehtar - 2AndHalf 45
36 HiIagio - Sunguard 42
37 Ryunari - Bankai 31
38 UlaUlaUla - Gods_0F_Arena 29
39 Naive_B1ue - Death_ 29
40 xtaiheng - Death_ 27
41 iLost - tsoLi 26
42 J_J - So 24
43 Fiat500 - Sandstrom 24
44 Giggity - Midnight 23
45 Black_Puppy - Unleashed 23
46 llizill - 22
47 opulent - 2AndHalf 20
48 Solara - So 18
49 Atilla_Khan - 16
50 KnifeToMeetYou - Sandstrom 15
1 empress_ - Renegade 5173
2 CoolWind - Zero 4923
3 NewSky - 4592
4 Impact - Zero 4297
5 Shina - Renegade 4250
6 CandyMan - Zero 3940
7 xAryax - Zero 3850
8 Djaul - Zero 3755
9 Eminent - Sunguard 3459
10 P1uto - Death 3344
11 Elapse - TheCrazyWitch 3297
12 R2D2_ - Sunguard 3286
13 Pure - Pure 2887
14 Grenen - Death 2844
15 Darude - ReNaiSsanCe 2743
16 Pluto - Death_ 2480
17 OLOY - Zero 2431
18 onyx - _shard_ 2225
19 Iskall - Zero 2197
20 Chunbae_ONG - TheCrazyWitch 2169
21 Angeles - Renegade 2160
22 Tove - Sunguard 2140
23 SharpScythe - Kingsman 2006
24 Deadly - TheCrazyWitch 1966
25 Rolo - 1893
26 Deleted - Flex 1817
27 ExpLosioN - Death 1776
28 TIK - ReNaiSsanCe 1455
29 Xiaoqq - Death 1418
30 TeRmiNaTeR - Sunguard 1369
31 mama_ - take_over 1322
32 Keal - 1302
33 TimeisGold - Renegade 1301
34 Sniper - Sweets 1249
35 iFallenKing - TheCrazyWitch 1223
36 O000 - Death 1205
37 64CM - ReNaiSsanCe 1203
39 Brady - _shard_ 1135
40 Jun_ - Sunguard 1124
41 JEWISH_DOCTOR - Lifeline 1106
42 NPC - CPN 1084
43 Cat - Death 1007
44 Aso_Nozomi - 996
45 Boy - ReNai2024 951
46 Free_Loop - Renegade 949
47 Kazpyr - Lifeline 949
48 javon - REDCROSS 924
49 ProM - 881
50 BlackMAMBA - Renegade 876
1 empress_ - Renegade 5173
2 CoolWind - Zero 4923
3 NewSky - 4592
4 Impact - Zero 4297
5 Shina - Renegade 4250
6 CandyMan - Zero 3940
7 xAryax - Zero 3850
8 Djaul - Zero 3755
9 Eminent - Sunguard 3459
10 P1uto - Death 3344
11 Elapse - TheCrazyWitch 3297
12 R2D2_ - Sunguard 3286
13 Pure - Pure 2887
14 Grenen - Death 2844
15 Darude - ReNaiSsanCe 2743
16 Pluto - Death_ 2480
17 OLOY - Zero 2431
18 onyx - _shard_ 2225
19 Iskall - Zero 2197
20 Chunbae_ONG - TheCrazyWitch 2169
21 Angeles - Renegade 2160
22 Tove - Sunguard 2140
23 SharpScythe - Kingsman 2006
24 Deadly - TheCrazyWitch 1966
25 Rolo - 1893
26 Deleted - Flex 1817
27 ExpLosioN - Death 1776
28 SirMTV - Death 1768
29 TIK - ReNaiSsanCe 1455
30 Xiaoqq - Death 1418
31 TeRmiNaTeR - Sunguard 1369
32 mama_ - take_over 1322
33 Zafina - Sunguard 1307
34 Keal - 1302
35 TimeisGold - Renegade 1301
36 Sniper - Sweets 1249
37 iFallenKing - TheCrazyWitch 1223
38 O000 - Death 1205
39 64CM - ReNaiSsanCe 1203
41 Brady - _shard_ 1135
42 Jun_ - Sunguard 1124
43 JEWISH_DOCTOR - Lifeline 1106
44 NPC - CPN 1084
45 Cat - Death 1007
46 Aso_Nozomi - 996
47 Boy - ReNai2024 951
48 Free_Loop - Renegade 949
49 Kazpyr - Lifeline 949
50 javon - REDCROSS 924

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Sunguard 4356
2 Death 3345
3 Sandstrom 1211
4 2AndHalf 817
5 Renegade 806
6 Death_ 399
7 Limitless 265
8 Zero 197
9 Dead_END 155
10 CyberPunk 124
1 Zero 26342
2 Renegade 17632
3 Death 12997
4 Sunguard 12956
5 TheCrazyWitch 8655
6 ReNaiSsanCe 6579
7 _shard_ 3497
8 Lifeline 2926
9 Pure 2887
10 Death_ 2490
1 Zero 26539
2 Renegade 18438
3 Sunguard 17312
4 Death 16342
5 TheCrazyWitch 8655
6 ReNaiSsanCe 6612
7 _shard_ 3497
8 Lifeline 2926
9 Death_ 2889
10 Pure 2887