
New Client Official Release

Hello everyone we will be shutting down the live servers at 4:10PM ET, to begin updating the game to use the new client. Unfortunately, this is a very big update/merge and we expect it will take several hours before the servers will be able to be accessed again. At this time, we cannot provide an accurate ETA for the servers to be back online, but we will update this news article when we have a more accurate ETA for the servers to come back online.


Status Updates

  • 4:10 PM ET: The servers are now offline, there is currently no ETA as to when they will be back online.
  • 8:25 PM ET: We have updated the Media Page with the latest launcher. If you experience issues connecting with your current Launcher, you will need to redownload and reinstall using the latest Eonic Games Launcher Installer. (
  • 8:25 PM ET: We expect the servers to be back online within the next hour (roughly by 9:30PM ET).
  • 9:30 PM ET: We're almost done with the update (just doing some final tests). We'll be back online at 10:40 PM ET.
  • 10:55 PM ET: The servers are now back online, but we are still looking into a minor issue.


Important Launcher Information

Once the servers are back online, players will no longer be able to use the old launcher to access the game and will be required to download and install the new Eonic Games Launcher from our website. Players who already have the Eonic Games Launcher, we recently released a patch that resolves an update issue. If you have logged into the launcher in the past 48-72 hours, you will have already updated your launcher to have this update. If you have not, the Launcher Server will stay online for another 2-3 hours, during which time you can still sign into the launcher and update.

Once the Launcher Server is restarted, if you have not yet updated, you will need to download the latest Eonic Games Launcher installer from our website & re-install using it. If you experience issues connecting to the launcher (after the server comes back online), this means you will need to download & install the latest installer.

The Latest Launcher can be downloaded from our Media Page on the Turf Battles Website, or click here.


Additional Notes

  • Anyone wanting to learn more about what exactly has changed since the New Client beta started, can read up about it on our Discord (in the game-beta-issues channel).
  • Phase 3 Beta rewards will be automatically mailed to all applicable users when the server is brought back online.
  • Throughout the majority of the beta, we focus on addressing various bugs, issues, and game improvements. We are aware that there was a variety of balance based feedback, and we have taken a note of this. Assuming no major issues are found that require our immediate attention, our main goal over the next week or so will be on providing balance patches based on existing (from the test server) and new (after the update) feedback from players.
  • Should anyone notice any issues or would like to provide some sort of feedback, once the server is back online, please contact us either through Support Tickets, the Forums, and/or our Discord.


February 25 Patch Notes

  • We've fixed the Santa Pets & Rabbit Pets that turned into Beta Bees and Beta Bugs after the restart.
  • We've removed the IP login limit.
  • When you purchase a non-stackable item on the website (such as Subscription Tokens), it now says you received 1 in-game (instead of 0).
  • When you revive a fainted or starved pet it now auto summons that pet.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented you from adding fainted and/or starved pets to your pet collection.
  • Starved Pet Cages now appear on the floor (if you dropped one, please open a Ticket for us to return it to you).
  • We've fixed the "A New Adventure" quest, it wasn't able to be completed since we adjusted TC Shops in the last update. Unfortunately, players will now have to restart this quest if they want to complete it on the Mystic Server.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented you from crafting materials you had none of (most users reported finding this out with Star Gems).
  • We've removed the level 100 Gem Crafting requirement for Reforging Items, it will be re-added in 1 month. This gives everyone time to level up their Gem Crafting without losing the ability to reforge items. The error when you don't have the required stats also now says you need 100 Gem Crafting.
  • Fixed an issue where the Reforging Interface did not use the resources in the Collectable Resources Interface.
  • Fixed a rare game crash that occurred when the game was already closing.
  • We've applied a possible fix to a crash that occurred while the game was starting. If you continue to experience this crash, please let us know.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing long login times (30-60 seconds). 
  • We fixed a bug with the last restart that was causing players to crash on startup.
  • We've fixed a bug that was causing mail items to re-appear in the mailbox after server restarts.
    • Any player that received a mail item twice had that item removed from their account. If the item was used, the effects of the item were reversed (such as removing a month of subscription time if you used a Subscription Token).


February 26 Patch Notes

  • Instances rewards are now only given to party members that are INSIDE of the instance.
  • The Instance failed message now only displays when you are part of an instance & says what instance failed.
  • The Main Pet Interface now shows your current pets level, not your highest pet level.
  • The resource monsters in Delphiroth Floor 4 now drop herbs.


February 27 Patch Notes

  • We've fixed an issue with the launcher that prevented some users from using multiple clients at the same time.
  • We've fixed a bug that caused players to lose their buffs & de-buffs when crashing after respawning/leaving a dungeon/instance.
  • We've fixed an issue with warehouses that prevented you from making more warehouses if you had 17 warehouses + 3 subscription warehouses.
  • Catastropha Room instance monsters no longer vanish when the Catastropha Cavern event ends.
  • Shelly Shine has now been added to the game, you can visit her store in Veros City to trade Wind Flowers for other items (low level jewels, & various gems).
  • We've added some additional debugging to help track down some instance issues.


March 1 Patch Notes

  • Level 12 Jewels dropped from instance bosses now drop into players inventory (they were dropping on the floor).
  • Demonic Essence has been re-added to the Level 6 Instance Store on the Triumphus Server.
  • Monster name colors no longer change when you are in a party.
  • Player Name colors now appear as orange if they are in your party.
  • We've applied a possible fix for an issue that was causing players accounts to lock up and then not be able to login without GM help.
  • The drop rate of Dilithium Ore in Delphiroth Floor 4 has been increased for both normal monsters and bosses.
  • Fixed an issue with the Catastropha Island boss spawn event that made monster kills not count towards the total 2500 required kills to trigger the event.


March 3 Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue with the Eonic Games Launcher that prevented some users from being able to patch their launcher.
  • Players now only receive a 25% damage increase/reduction based on the level difference (up to 50 levels) between them and the player they are attacking (previously 50%).
  • Players were taking extra damage from monsters based on their level difference, this now only applies to players.
  • Made some minor localization changes.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing players clients to get stuck on a loading screen when leaving Ghost Castle to go to another closed off area (such as respawning in GC to the Lad Castle Lord Room).
  • Fixed a bug where if you two players ask to trade each other and then after the trade window opens the second user accepts it causes the trade to close.
  • Tribe Wars now have the correct wait times, durations, and cooldowns.
  • The White Mage AP Buff Icon and Warm Other Icons can now be displayed together.
  • The Castle Drop Rate buff now has the correct icon.
  • We've temporarily disabled the Nation War until we revise the rewards from it.
  • We've slightly increased the move speed of the Chaotic Mushrooms and Vice Mushrooms in Catastropha Room & Catastropha Cavern.
  • We've been working on various issues with the monster system for the last few days, it's received a bunch of backend changes that should resolve most (if not all) issues that players have reported. This includes the following:
    • Monsters losing agro when you are hugging walls or pillars in places like Delphiroth Floor 4.
    • Getting a monster stuck in an area where it can no longer attack you.
    • Somehow going inside or through a wall and attacking monster from behind that wall, preventing it from attacking you.
    • Attacking non-movable monsters (such as in Catastropha Room) from certain spots that prevented them from attacking you.
    • Server crashes that resulted in players being "Disconnected due to network error", but still able to log back in.


March 6 Patch Notes

  • All Gold/Demonic equipment cannot be traded anymore (same as before the new client).
  • Fixed an issue that caused Booth Ads to not display if the booth was not visible when it opened or if you moved out of view and back in.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Monsters to not move or attack players.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Channel 2 to lockup over the weekend.
  • Transmog Diffuser Spells have been added to the Instance Stores again.
  • We've reset all alliances and alliance requests to resolve an issue with the Server Merge that allowed some tribes to continue to have more than 1 alliance or have an alliance without being a level 25 tribe.
  • Fixed a bug where items that lock after being traded (such as Soul Charms) were not locking.
  • Giant Clammy has been added to the Pet Boss Spawn list.
  • Santa Hats now show on the floor when dropped.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing players to still gain rewards in instances even though they reached or exceeded the Allowed Deaths for their difficulty.
  • The size of the Vice Avenger Sword is now the same size no matter if it is sheathed or unsheathed.
  • Potion Changes
    • Mini-Marvelous Potions now heal all classes for 750 health and mana (previously 1000).
    • Marvelous Potions now heal mages for 15% of their health and mana, they continue to heal other classes for 1200 Health/Mana.
    • Super Marvelous Potions now heal mages for 18% of their health and mana, they continue to heal other classes for 1500 Health/Mana.
    • These changes were made based on some player feedback we've been receiving around mages being able to tank too much. If the change doesn't work well or the majority of player feedback is negative we can increase/decrease the percentages, or even revert the change completely and reduce their def/mdef/mana barrier instead.


March 8 Patch Notes

  • The "/FLWarTime" command has been changed to "/NationWarTime".
  • We've fixed an issue with the last update that caused level 1000 Soul Charms to lock when traded, they have been automatically unlocked.
  • We've fixed an issue with instances that was causing the allowed deaths to actually be 1 less than what was stated in the Instance Interface.
  • Locked Items can now be transmogged.
  • Nation War Changes
    • The Nation War has been re-enabled.
    • Winners of the Nation War will receive the following rewards:
      • 20% Experience Rate Buff
      • 20% Pet Experience Rate Buff
      • 10% Drop Rate Buff
      • 10% Leni Drop Rate Buff
      • No Instance fees (no need to pay a Ladian's Grace to enter an instance).
      • Note that all the above mentioned buffs are automatically added/removed to your characters stats (viewed in the "Specific" tab of the "Character Information" interface).


March 10 Patch Notes

  • We've added additional debugging for a server issue that we experienced yesterday.
  • We've added additional debugging for an issue that causes players accounts to lockup and always show an "Already logged in" message until the server restarts.
  • We've added Sharp Feathers to the Collectable Resource Interface, all Sharp Feathers have been automatically moved.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed for locked gems to be used to create Gem Pouches.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to login at the location they logged out at instead of their respawn spot (even in areas you aren't allowed to login/logoff in/from such as Frozenland).
  • We've started working on the Instance System remake. This will take sometime before it is finished, but we are working on it separately so we can keep pushing other changes live while it's being worked on.


March 13 Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nation War Winners to reset after every server restart.
  • Made some server changes that should fix several server crashes we have been experiencing over the last week.
  • Added additional debugging and a possible fix for the "Already Logged In" issue.
  • We've fixed an issue that caused all visible clients to crash if users typed just "!" and/or "~".
  • We've changed the percent symbol that is used in Chat Bubbles above players heads, this fixes some rare client chat crashes when using % signs.
  • We've fixed a bug where if you type "%" in Talk/Shout it causes two percent symbols ("%%") to appear on your chat interface instead of just 1.
  • Players are now unable to send empty chat messages (even if you use the "!" and/or "~" symbols in chat).
  • Vice Archer/Blue Garbs now display on the floor (they were invisible before).

  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 SirMTV - Death 1768
2 Zafina - Sunguard 1307
3 CrixUs - Sunguard 900
4 Super - Sandstrom 807
5 DeadlyFistYou - Sunguard 792
6 xy - Renegade 775
7 Solstice - Sunguard 727
8 Hotwater1 - Death 617
9 Sasha - 537
10 ToBe_No1 - 2AndHalf 408
11 00OO - Death 393
12 Thaldrin - Sunguard 351
13 0OO0 - Death 307
14 Enabe - 2AndHalf 303
15 A_ - Death_ 300
16 Dyna - Limitless 265
17 Hawaii - 259
18 KirimaX - 221
19 N0_0 - Dead_END 146
20 thx9staff - Sandstrom 143
21 EIin - Death 140
22 Play - Zero 118
23 xtrakt - Sunguard 113
24 M4SS4CR3 - Sunguard 103
25 Vowl - Sandstrom 95
26 Cr0uchinGTIqeR - Blood_ 73
27 0OOO - Death 73
28 sooyaaa - Zero 72
29 Dis_ - 68
30 Villain - NotFamous 59
31 GN - Booms 54
32 Balanced - Sandstrom 54
33 ReBang - 51
34 Theoryy - Classified 47
35 Morinehtar - 2AndHalf 45
36 HiIagio - Sunguard 42
37 Ryunari - Bankai 31
38 UlaUlaUla - Gods_0F_Arena 29
39 Naive_B1ue - Death_ 29
40 xtaiheng - Death_ 27
41 iLost - tsoLi 26
42 J_J - So 24
43 Fiat500 - Sandstrom 24
44 Giggity - Midnight 23
45 Black_Puppy - Unleashed 23
46 llizill - 22
47 opulent - 2AndHalf 20
48 Solara - So 18
49 Atilla_Khan - 16
50 KnifeToMeetYou - Sandstrom 15
1 empress_ - Renegade 5173
2 CoolWind - Zero 4923
3 NewSky - 4592
4 Impact - Zero 4297
5 Shina - Renegade 4250
6 CandyMan - Zero 3940
7 xAryax - Zero 3850
8 Djaul - Zero 3755
9 Eminent - Sunguard 3459
10 P1uto - Death 3344
11 Elapse - TheCrazyWitch 3297
12 R2D2_ - Sunguard 3286
13 Pure - Pure 2887
14 Grenen - Death 2848
15 Darude - ReNaiSsanCe 2743
16 Pluto - Death_ 2480
17 OLOY - Zero 2431
18 onyx - _shard_ 2225
19 Iskall - Zero 2197
20 Chunbae_ONG - TheCrazyWitch 2169
21 Angeles - Renegade 2160
22 Tove - Sunguard 2140
23 SharpScythe - Kingsman 2006
24 Deadly - TheCrazyWitch 1966
25 Rolo - 1893
26 Deleted - Flex 1817
27 ExpLosioN - Death 1776
28 TIK - ReNaiSsanCe 1455
29 Xiaoqq - Death 1418
30 TeRmiNaTeR - Sunguard 1369
31 mama_ - take_over 1322
32 Keal - 1302
33 TimeisGold - Renegade 1301
34 Sniper - Sweets 1249
35 iFallenKing - TheCrazyWitch 1223
36 O000 - Death 1205
37 64CM - ReNaiSsanCe 1203
39 Brady - _shard_ 1135
40 Jun_ - Sunguard 1124
41 JEWISH_DOCTOR - Lifeline 1106
42 NPC - CPN 1084
43 Cat - Death 1007
44 Aso_Nozomi - 996
45 Boy - ReNai2024 951
46 Free_Loop - Renegade 949
47 Kazpyr - Lifeline 949
48 javon - REDCROSS 924
49 ProM - 881
50 BlackMAMBA - Renegade 877
1 empress_ - Renegade 5173
2 CoolWind - Zero 4923
3 NewSky - 4592
4 Impact - Zero 4297
5 Shina - Renegade 4250
6 CandyMan - Zero 3940
7 xAryax - Zero 3850
8 Djaul - Zero 3755
9 Eminent - Sunguard 3459
10 P1uto - Death 3344
11 Elapse - TheCrazyWitch 3297
12 R2D2_ - Sunguard 3286
13 Pure - Pure 2887
14 Grenen - Death 2848
15 Darude - ReNaiSsanCe 2743
16 Pluto - Death_ 2480
17 OLOY - Zero 2431
18 onyx - _shard_ 2225
19 Iskall - Zero 2197
20 Chunbae_ONG - TheCrazyWitch 2169
21 Angeles - Renegade 2160
22 Tove - Sunguard 2140
23 SharpScythe - Kingsman 2006
24 Deadly - TheCrazyWitch 1966
25 Rolo - 1893
26 Deleted - Flex 1817
27 ExpLosioN - Death 1776
28 SirMTV - Death 1768
29 TIK - ReNaiSsanCe 1455
30 Xiaoqq - Death 1418
31 TeRmiNaTeR - Sunguard 1369
32 mama_ - take_over 1322
33 Zafina - Sunguard 1307
34 Keal - 1302
35 TimeisGold - Renegade 1301
36 Sniper - Sweets 1249
37 iFallenKing - TheCrazyWitch 1223
38 O000 - Death 1205
39 64CM - ReNaiSsanCe 1203
41 Brady - _shard_ 1135
42 Jun_ - Sunguard 1124
43 JEWISH_DOCTOR - Lifeline 1106
44 NPC - CPN 1084
45 Cat - Death 1007
46 Aso_Nozomi - 996
47 Boy - ReNai2024 951
48 Free_Loop - Renegade 949
49 Kazpyr - Lifeline 949
50 javon - REDCROSS 924

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Sunguard 4359
2 Death 3345
3 Sandstrom 1211
4 2AndHalf 817
5 Renegade 806
6 Death_ 399
7 Limitless 265
8 Zero 197
9 Dead_END 155
10 CyberPunk 124
1 Zero 26342
2 Renegade 17633
3 Death 12997
4 Sunguard 12956
5 TheCrazyWitch 8655
6 ReNaiSsanCe 6579
7 _shard_ 3490
8 Lifeline 2926
9 Pure 2887
10 Death_ 2490
1 Zero 26539
2 Renegade 18439
3 Sunguard 17315
4 Death 16342
5 TheCrazyWitch 8655
6 ReNaiSsanCe 6612
7 _shard_ 3490
8 Lifeline 2926
9 Death_ 2889
10 Pure 2887