Game Guide

Pyrium Set

The Pyrium Set is a durable, magic-infused armor designed for Red Mages, enhancing their combat and spellcasting abilities.


Set Requirements

Item Type STR DEX  VIT Magic Level
Helmet 0 0 754 1134 (Red) 300
Chest 0 0 770 1148 (Red) 300
Boots 0 0 742 1126 (Red) 300
Vambrace 0 0 730 1108 (Red) 300
Staff 230 500 0 1100 (Red) 300


Set Effects

New abilities unlock each time you equip a new item belonging to the same set as you have equipped.

  • 2 Set Items: Increase HP by 100
  • 3 Set Items: Increase Magic AP by 100
  • 4 Set Items: When being mana stolen, there is a 40% chance to avoid losing mana.
  • 5 Set Items: Reduce the cooldown of all Master/Transformation skills by 15%.
  • Staff: When you hit a target using Flame Edge or Burst Edge, there is a chance to activate the 'Red Touch' debuff (reduces the targets red magic defense). In addition, when you hit a target with Burst Edge, there is a 15% chance to multiply your damage by 60%.


Pyrium Set

  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Smileyface - BugExploiterz 248
2 Power - Deepseek 230
3 Donatello - BugExploiterz 213
4 Ratata - Deepseek 142
5 Mango_Loco - BugExploiterz 139
6 xCrixUs - BugExploiterz 112
7 YH_DreamBlue - Deepseek 82
8 Kezrm - tribe007 80
9 LynchMan - BugExploiterz 75
10 lIlIIllIll - HotSix 73
11 Sakura - Deepseek 67
12 SUSPECT - Finish 66
13 Super_000OOO - Deepseek 58
14 Coisini - Deepseek 54
15 Fent - BugExploiterz 54
16 Super_O0000O - Deepseek 50
17 ViIlain - NoFame 45
18 NO_OO - HotSix 42
19 R_ - HotSix 42
20 lllllIIIII - HotSix 41
21 ll_Trouble_ll - Disaster 40
22 Mizon - problam 38
23 Asmodeus - BugExploiterz 38
24 Super_000000 - Deepseek 37
25 Springfield - BugExploiterz 34
26 Satanas_ - BugExploiterz 31
27 PixelOfFire - Solar_Dragons 30
28 Super_OO00OO - Deepseek 29
29 RipsteR - HotSix 28
30 Liyu - M0NSTER 28
31 Monarch - BugExploiterz 25
32 Anarchy - M0NSTER 23
33 Rusty - BugExploiterz 23
34 Onumi - Finish 23
35 Rayleigh - Finish 23
36 C455L4DD - N0BODY 22
37 FisterPl - HotSix 22
38 IIIIIIlIII - HotSix 21
39 8uffer - N0BODY 20
40 RealWoman - Solar_Dragons 20
41 NO_00 - HotSix 19
42 Pathfind3r - Finish 18
43 _RubY - COLOR 18
44 Hail - Deepseek 17
45 Stormcaller - nezha2 17
46 OPengg_ - Deepseek 17
47 lllIIIllII - HotSix 16
48 Obscura - BugExploiterz 16
49 Ravage - HotSix 15
50 Bamsi - M0NSTER 14

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 BugExploiterz 1092
2 Deepseek 885
3 HotSix 425
4 Finish 232
5 tribe007 225
6 M0NSTER 119
7 ChanGe 112
8 coffee 110
9 nezha2 109
10 Solar_Dragons 107
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18678
3 Sunguard 16620
4 Renegade 8512
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4429
8 100fanta99success 3953
9 _shard_ 3769
10 VETERAN 3461
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18678
3 Sunguard 16620
4 Renegade 8512
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4429
8 100fanta99success 3953
9 _shard_ 3769
10 VETERAN 3461