Game Guide

Fist Warrior

Fist Warriors, are human warriors who have mastered hand to hand, or feet to hand, combat. Fist Warriors have a well balanced amount of strength, health, defense, and agility.


Fist Physical Skills

Name Skill Icon Finisher Required Stats Required Skills
Upper Combo Upper Combo No    
Twin Shot Twin Shot No

85 STR

53 DEX

Upper Combo Level 25+
Bash Bash Yes

104 STR

63 DEX

49 Magic

Twin Shot Level 30+
One Two One Two No

134 STR

82 DEX

Twin Shot Level 40+
Hammer Chop Hammer Chop Yes

141 STR

82 DEX

53 Magic

Twin Shot Level 45+
Mega Boil Mega Boil Yes

174 STR

101 DEX

57 Magic

Bash Level 40+
Upper Straight Upper Straight No

202 STR

113 DEX

Twin Shot Level 45+
Speed Combo Speed Combo No

220 STR

122 DEX

One Two Level 45+
Shot Uppercut Shot Uppercut No

256 STR

140 DEX

Hammer Chop Level 50+
Mega Gush Mega Gush Yes

240 STR

133 DEX

63 Magic

Upper Straight Level 50+


Speed Combo Level 50+

Clinching Clinching No

291 STR

167 DEX

Upper Straight Level 50+


Speed Combo Level 50+

Hammer Blow Hammer Blow Yes

277 STR

151 DEX

55 Magic

Shot Uppercut Level 55+
Hand Combination Hand Combination No

322 STR

174 DEX

Clinching Level 55+
Spin Hammer Spin Hammer Yes

317 STR

172 DEX

60 Magic

Mega Gush Level 60+
Elbow Dash Elbow Dash Yes

356 STR

195 DEX

77 Magic

Clinching Level 60+


Hammer Blow Level 60+

Eagle Hook Eagle Hook Yes

380 STR

204 DEX

80 Magic

Clinching Level 65+


Hammer Blow Level 65+

Strike Strike Yes

407 STR

224 DEX

83 Magic

Hammer Blow Level 70+


Spin Hammer Level 70+

Part Combo Part Combo No

416 STR

207 DEX

Hand Combination Level 75+


Elbow Dash Level 75+

Feint Jab Feint Jab No

432 STR

231 DEX

Eagle Hook Level 80+
Hurricane Hurricane Yes

478 STR

254 DEX

89 Magic

Part Combo Level 80+


Feint Jab Level 80+


Feet Physical Skills

Name Skill Icon Finisher Required Stats Required Skills
Double Kick Double Kick No    
Twin Kick Twin Kick No

86 STR

54 DEX

Double Kick Level 20+
Jump Kick Jump Kick No

111 STR

67 DEX

Twin Kick Level 25+
Deep Kick Deep Kick Yes

124 STR

77 DEX

52 Magic

Twin Kick Level30+
Swing Kick Swing Kick Yes

143 STR

85 DEX

53 Magic

Deep Kick Level 30+
Flying Combo Flying Combo No

183 STR

103 DEX

Twin Kick Level 45+


Jump Kick Level 40+

Low Combo Low Combo No

225 STR

125 DEX

Deep Kick Level 45+
Pushing Pushing No

260 STR

144 DEX

Low Combo Level 50+
Over Kick Over Kick Yes

245 STR

135 DEX

64 Magic

Jump Kick Level 50+
Valkyrie Valkyrie Yes

344 STR

185 DEX

74 Magic

Flying Combo Level 55+


Low Combo Level 60+

Fire Spin Fire Spin Yes

358 STR

209 DEX

Pushing Level 60+

Swing Kick Level 70+

Powerful Blade Powerful Blade No

323 STR

174 DEX

79 Magic

Over Kick Level 65+
One Two Three One Two Three No

390 STR

209 DEX

Valkyrie Level 65+
Shadow Blade Shadow Blade Yes

412 STR

216 DEX

86 Magic

Pushing Level 70+
Tearing Shot Tearing Shot No

422 STR

219 DEX

Shadow Blade Level 80+
Windmill Windmill No

442 STR

240 DEX

Powerful Blade Level 80+


One Two Three Level 80+


Apprentice Skills

Name Skill Icon Is Passive? Description
Piercing Blast Piercing Blast Skill No Launches energy at an enemy, inflicting damage to them and any other enemies near them.
Thrust Thrust Skill No Hurls an attack at a single traget, inflicting damage to them and causing them to bleed for a few seconds, dealing additional damage each second.
Dynamic Finish Dynamic Finish Skill No While active, there is a chance that your finishers will apply a higher damage multiplier.


Master Skills

  • You must complete the "Master of Skills!" quest and be level 100+ to unlock your Master Skills.
  • Master Skills are learned by purchasing Skill Books for each Master Skill for gems from the NPC named Dia.
Name Skill Icon Is Passive? Description
Blast Fist Blast Fist No Slams the ground with your fist, generating an area where your fists energy inflicts damage over time to enemies within the radius of the blast.
Soul Fist Soul Fist No Focuses the user's energy into their fist and then throws the energy at a single target for a large amount of damage.
Endure Endure Yes Increases the user's total maximum health.
Fanatical Fanatical Yes Increases the user's attack speed.
Guardian Protection Guardian Protection Yes Increases the user's magical defense.


Transformation Skills

  • You must complete the "Transcendence" quest and be level 161+ to unlock your Transformation Skills.
  • Transformation Skills are learned by purchasing Skill Books for each Transformation Skill for gems from the NPC named Pia (in Delphiroth Floor 2).
  • Transformation Skills can only be used while the user is transformed, by using the Transformation skill.
Name Skill Icon Is Passive? Description
Transformation Transformation No Transforms the user into a new form, during which Transformation Skills can be used. Transforming will also temporarily increase your maximum health.
Warp Speed God Speed No Temporarily drastically increases the user's movement speed.
Death Hand Death Hand No Temporarily inflicts a high amount of damage over time against another enemy player.
Aura of Fury Aura of Fury No Temporarily increases the dodge rate and critical rate of the player (a party is required to use this skill.)
Fatal Blow Fatal Blow Skill No Inflicts absolute damage to your target and nearby enemies, and activates the Critical Failure debuff. The Critical Failure debuff temporarily prevents the target from being able to deal critical damage.
  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Donatello - BugExploiterz 556
2 lllllIIIII - HotSix 425
3 Smileyface - BugExploiterz 414
4 Mango_Loco - BugExploiterz 409
5 Super_O00O00 - Finish 337
6 lIlIIllIll - HotSix 322
7 Super_O0000O - Finish 321
8 Monarch - BugExploiterz 286
9 Liyu - BugExploiterz 280
10 Fent - BugExploiterz 278
11 lllIIIllII - HotSix 255
12 Ratata - Finish 246
13 DexteR_MorgaN - HotSix 227
14 Super_0O0O0O - Finish 209
15 DOGWATER - BugExploiterz 177
16 IIIIIIlIII - HotSix 168
17 Tanberg - BugExploiterz 167
18 Anarchy - Disaster 165
19 Super_00O00O - Finish 156
20 LynchMan - BugExploiterz 133
21 DarKnightY - Finish 124
22 Super_000000 - Finish 114
23 Sakura - Finish 109
24 Bloodseeker - HotSix 100
25 Kezrm - tribe008 96
26 Super_OO0O0 - Finish 96
27 NomaD - BugExploiterz 95
28 SJOBA - BugExploiterz 91
29 SUSPECT - 86
30 PixelOfFire - Solar_Dragons 83
31 NO_OO - HotSix 79
32 NlGHTMARE - HotSix 79
33 lllllllllI - HotSix 77
34 Muzan - BugExploiterz 76
35 ViIlain - NoFame 66
36 ll_Trouble_ll - Disaster 65
37 Stevi - HotSix 60
38 Technology - Disaster 57
39 KaLiNa - HotSix 50
40 R_ - This_is_Medic 47
41 Super_00O0O0 - Finish 47
42 Springfield - BugExploiterz 44
43 IlIlIlIlIl - HotSix 43
44 Rayleigh - Deepseek 37
45 NO_00 - HotSix 34
46 Super_000OOO - Finish 33
47 SiFaRy - Disaster 33
48 Rusty - BugExploiterz 32
49 Super_O000O - Finish 31
50 GRINCH - Disaster 30

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 BugExploiterz 3174
2 HotSix 2050
3 Finish 1928
4 Disaster 449
5 Solar_Dragons 242
6 Deepseek 205
7 tribe008 141
8 tribe007 133
9 nezha2 123
10 10sClub 114
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8515
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4649
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8515
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4649
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727