Game Guide

Blue Mage

Blue Mages have mastered the ability to focus their magical powers to produce immobilizing ice based magical attacks. They are difficult to play at low levels due to their low health and defenses, but once they obtain their Master Skills they begin to even out in terms of survivability.


Blue Magic Spells

Name Skill Icon Splash AOE Required Stats Required Skills
Ice Bolt Ice Bolt No No    
Water Edge Water Edge No No 82 Magic   
Frozen Ball Frozen Ball No No 106 Blue Magic Ice Bolt Level 10+ 
Frozen Gas Frozen Gas No Yes 130 Blue Magic  Ice Bolt Level 20+ 
Water Pump Water Pump Yes No  179 Blue Magic Water Edge Level 20+ 
Ice Flower Ice Flower Yes No 155 Blue Magic 

Frozen Ball Level 25+


Frozen Gas Level 25+ 

Ice Crush Ice Crush No No 257 Blue Magic 

Ice Flower Level 30+


Frozen Ball Level 30+ 

Water Blade Water Blade No No 348 Blue Magic  Water Pump Level 30+ 
Blizzard Blizzard No Yes 390 Blue Magic  Ice Flower Level 35+ 
Ice Crystal Ice Crystal No No 500 Blue Magic 

Ice Crush Level 30+


Ice Flower Level 30+


Water Blade Level 30+ 

Meteor Meteor Yes No 590 Blue Magic  Blizzard Level 30+ 
Freezing Circle Freezing Circle Yes No 650 Blue Magic  Ice Crystal Level 50+ 
Ice Driver Ice Driver No Yes 700 Blue Magic  Meteor Level 50+ 


Black Magic Spells

Name Skill Icon Required Stats Required Skills Description
Paralyze Paralyze

63 STR

89 DEX

155 Black Magic

  Temporarily slows an enemy target's movement and attack speed.
Attack Debuff Attack Debuff

73 STR

115 DEX

259 Black Magic

  Temporarily lowers an enemy target's physical and magical attack power.
Weaken Weaken

86 STR

151 DEX

321 Black Magic

Attack Debuff Level 50+ Temporarily lowers an enemy target's maximum health and mana.
Black Touch Black Touch

95 STR

176 DEX

430 Black Magic

Paralyze Level 20+

Temporarily lowers an enemy target's magical defense.

Black Shield Black Shield

112 STR

222 DEX

700 Black Magic

Black Touch Level 30+


Weaken Level 30+

Temporarily increases the user's magical defense.


Physical Skills

Name Skill Icon Finisher Required Stats Required Skills
Ta Tack Ta Tack No    
Staff Strike Staff Strike No

52 STR

57 DEX

92 Magic

Ta Tack Level 20+
Extend Hit Extend Hit Yes

59 STR

73 DEX

126 Magic

Staff Strike Level 30+
Deadly Swing Deadly Swing No

63 STR

89 DEX

156 Magic

Staff Strike Level 40+
Dash Dash Yes

72 STR

110 DEX

126 Magic

Deadly Swing Level 50+
Cyclone Cyclone No

78 STR

127 DEX

233 Magic

Extend Hit Level 70+
Staff Combination Staff Combination No

84 STR

144 DEX

Staff Strike Level 70+
Blow Blow Yes

90 STR

161 DEX

300 Magic

Dash Level 70+
Perforation Perforation No

102 STR

192 DEX

363 Magic

Staff Combination Level 70+
Performance Performance No

106 STR

204 DEX

387 Magic

Cyclone Level 75+


Blow Level 75+

Earthquake Earthquake Yes

118 STR

238 DEX

455 Magic

Perforation Level 80+


Performance Level 75+


Apprentice Skills

Name Skill Icon Is Passive? Description
Mana Recovery Mana Recovery Skill No While active, your total mana recovered per second is increased.
Mana Increase Mana Increase No While active, your maximum  mana is increased by a flat value.
Cold Mist Cold Mist Skill No

Disperses a cold mist around the caster, damaging and slowing all enemies within its radius. The cooldown of this skill is reduced by 5 seconds per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 25 seconds.

When this skill damages a monster, it causes any debuffs you have used on that monster to spread to other nearby monsters.


Master Skills

  • You must complete the "Master of Skills!" quest and be level 100+ to unlock your Master Skills.
  • Master Skills are learned by purchasing Skill Books for each Master Skill for gems from the NPC named Dia.
Name Skill Icon Is Passive? Description
Mana Barrier Mana Barrier No Converts a certain percentage of damage from health to damage to mana, does not take into account damage dealt on HP gained from items.
Ice Fury Ice Fury No Focuses the user's magical power above an enemy, and causes a large amount of damage to that enemy.
Illusion Illusion Yes Increases the users Dodge Rate.
Mental Command Mental Command Yes Increases the user's total maximum mana.
Guardian Protection Guardian Protection Yes Increases the user's magical defense.


Transformation Skills

  • You must complete the "Transcendence" quest and be level 161+ to unlock your Transformation Skills.
  • Transformation Skills are learned by purchasing Skill Books for each Transformation Skill for gems from the NPC named Pia (in Delphiroth Floor 2).
  • Transformation Skills can only be used while the user is transformed, by using the Transformation skill.
Name Skill Icon Is Passive? Description
Transformation Transformation No Transforms the user into a new form, during which Transformation Skills can be used. Transforming will also temporarily increase your maximum health.
Ice Stinger Ice Stinger No Focuses the user's magical power and shoots a large shard of ice at an enemy. Once hit, the enemy will receive a fixed amount of damage and will be slowed.
Winter Restriction Winter Restriction No Covers an area in snow and ice. Whilst inside this area, enemy players will receive a fixed amount of damage. If a user was within Winter Restriction's range at the time of use, they will also be slowed.
Mana Rebirth Mana Rebirth No Prevents the user from losing Mana when casting spells.
Water Reduce Water Reduce No Inflicts absolute damage to a single target and applies the Frost Barrage debuff. Frost Barrage causes the target to be damaged every second the debuff is active and reduces their maximum health.
  • PvP Rankings

Player Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 Donatello - BugExploiterz 556
2 lllllIIIII - HotSix 425
3 Smileyface - BugExploiterz 414
4 Mango_Loco - BugExploiterz 409
5 Super_O00O00 - Finish 337
6 lIlIIllIll - HotSix 322
7 Super_O0000O - Finish 321
8 Monarch - BugExploiterz 286
9 Liyu - BugExploiterz 280
10 Fent - BugExploiterz 278
11 lllIIIllII - HotSix 255
12 Ratata - Finish 246
13 DexteR_MorgaN - HotSix 227
14 Super_0O0O0O - Finish 209
15 DOGWATER - BugExploiterz 177
16 IIIIIIlIII - HotSix 168
17 Tanberg - BugExploiterz 167
18 Anarchy - Disaster 165
19 Super_00O00O - Finish 156
20 LynchMan - BugExploiterz 133
21 DarKnightY - Finish 124
22 Super_000000 - Finish 114
23 Sakura - Finish 109
24 Bloodseeker - HotSix 100
25 Kezrm - tribe008 96
26 Super_OO0O0 - Finish 96
27 NomaD - BugExploiterz 95
28 SJOBA - BugExploiterz 91
29 SUSPECT - 86
30 PixelOfFire - Solar_Dragons 83
31 NO_OO - HotSix 79
32 NlGHTMARE - HotSix 79
33 lllllllllI - HotSix 77
34 Muzan - BugExploiterz 76
35 ViIlain - NoFame 66
36 ll_Trouble_ll - Disaster 65
37 Stevi - HotSix 59
38 Technology - Disaster 57
39 KaLiNa - HotSix 50
40 R_ - This_is_Medic 47
41 Super_00O0O0 - Finish 47
42 Springfield - BugExploiterz 44
43 IlIlIlIlIl - HotSix 43
44 Rayleigh - Deepseek 37
45 NO_00 - HotSix 34
46 Super_000OOO - Finish 33
47 SiFaRy - Disaster 33
48 Rusty - BugExploiterz 32
49 Super_O000O - Finish 31
50 GRINCH - Disaster 30

Tribe Rankings

Rank Name PK Points
1 BugExploiterz 3174
2 HotSix 2071
3 Finish 1928
4 Disaster 449
5 Solar_Dragons 242
6 Deepseek 206
7 tribe008 141
8 tribe007 133
9 nezha2 123
10 10sClub 114
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8515
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4649
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727
1 Zero 22558
2 Death 18629
3 Sunguard 16404
4 Renegade 8515
5 TheCrazyWitch 6682
6 Dead_END 4738
7 ReNaiSsanCe 4649
8 2 4592
9 100fanta99success 3953
10 _shard_ 3727